Each one is different, but all unite the same feeling

Cacique Candela
Weighing 11kg (24.3 lb), it was designed to reach almost 2km (6570 ft) in altitude at a speed of 650 km/h (593 ft/s). Constructed from lightweight materials, it is equipped with a video camera and a parachute as its recovery system. Its K500 motor uses a "candy"-type solid propellant.

Designed for participating in the 6th edition of the Latin American Space Challenge, it uses an N4393 solid propellant "candy" motor. Within the Legacy mission, joint project with ConeXalab, Genesis will set a historical precedent for the country, aiming to be the first rocket of this category launched in Colombia.

A piston-like recovery system developed by the team and activated by electronic means was implemented on this rocket to deploy the parachute for recovery. Its apogee was 570m (1870 ft). The ejection system functioning was successful and the rocket was recovered successfully. It was developed by sophomore and junior students.

Developed as part of the Volta formative group final project. This rocket implemented an all-electronic activated recovery system, having a mechanical system as main and ejection charge as backup. Its apogee was 650m (2130 ft). The rocket was recovered with minimal damage. It was developed by sophomore students.

DELTA ONE - Final - LASC 2023
Designed for an apogee of 1000m (3280ft), this rocket participated in the 5th edition of the international Competition Latin American Space Challenge in Tatuí, Brazil. Capable of carrying a Cansat-type payload, it secured 14th place. Delta One operates with an I240 candy motor and reaches speeds of 526 km/h (480 ft/s)